Hi! 👋 I'm Minha Kim, a senior studying Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. I plan to graduate on December 2024.
I have always enjoyed working with computers and browsing the internet so choosing CS as a major came naturally to me. One of my favorite parts of being a programmer, as well as a student, is that the learning never stops; I learn new concepts and technologies every day.
In my free time, I like to hike, play/watch soccer, and work on side-projects.
To contact me, send me an email at minhakimjst@gmail.com or connect with me on LinkedIn.
-gym bro; 2024
Programmed an iOS app that recommends personalized workouts to the user based on their physical traits, previous workouts, and feedback. Developed using Swift/UI for the frontend and uses Firebase to store information on the cloud. Has a built-in utility function which calculates scores for each workout, varying for every user. Has nearly 100 workouts, with their pictures and descriptions.
-fabflix; 2023
Interact with Fabflix, a Netflix clone, complete with features such as log in encryption, reCaptcha verification, full-text search, and auto-complete. Used JDBC to connect Java servlets to MySQL databases which contained over 9,000 movies and 60,000 actors. Deployed on Amazon EC2 and created an Android app with Gradle.
-2035: a VR game; 2023
Developed a puzzle VR game set in the year 2035, where the world, a corporatocracy, has become dominated by global warming. Implemented object collision/handling, player movement, and puzzle mechanics. Focused on the second room's puzzle building/implementation using Unity and C# scripts.
-cifar-10 dataset analysis; 2023
Analyzed four different classifiers (k-nearest neighbors, logistic classifier, feed-forward neural network, and convoluted neural networks) on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Used Python and various libraies such as PyTorch, sci-kit-learn, and NumPy to evaluate models. Used Jupyter Notebooks and Matplotlib to plot and track the data.
-playpic; @hackuci 2022
Input an image and create a twenty-song Spotify playlist. PlayPic computes the 'mood' of the image through color analysis and uses Spotify's API to create the playlist.
-columns; 2022
Play a game of columns using the Pygame library, with color-coded blocks and cursor movement key controls.